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4 product(s) found for "Grab Bags"

Dixons 12 x 120g Bags

Dixons 12 x 120g Bags

A range of 120g bags made by Maxons of Sheffield. Select from the product you would like from product range above, there is a brief description of each product below: you are buying 1 box of 12 bags Mint...

Yorkshire Mixture 250g bag

Yorkshire Mixture 250g bag

The Yorkshire Mixture is the signature product of Maxons as a traditional Yorkshire company. A mixture of fruit and mint flavoured boiled sweets, made to the original recipes a traditional favourite in...

Maxons Bonfire Toffee 120g bag

Maxons Bonfire Toffee 120g bag

Boiled Sweets don t get more traditional than the Bonfire Toffee. A traditional winter sweet from the North of England made with treacle and giving a fantastic winter flavour. Perfect for Bonfire Night...

Jesmona Black Bullets 120g bag

Jesmona Black Bullets 120g bag

A traditional mint ball from the North East of England. Full of history and flavour. The Black Bullets began their journey in 1906 in the North East of England (legend has it the Jesmona brand is named...

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